Expect a Miracle is located at 515 Hamilton Street Geneva, IL 60134.

The first time I met Jennifer Mercier was at a local networking group called Boss Moms. She was presenting to a room full of women about the importance of taking care of hormone changes throughout our lives. I didn’t know much about the subject, but after a brief 15 minutes I learned SO much and was so grateful for the time she invested in our group of women.  I reached out to her shortly after to see if she would be willing to be featured on Know Your Neighbors of the Fox Valley – and luckily for all of you she said yes!

I was most impressed with her holistic approach to managing obstacles related to pregnancy, fertility and all things women’s health. This video is far too short to cover everything she’s capable of, but if you find yourself in need, please reach out to Jennifer to start a conversation.

In Jennifer’s own words, “Here at Expect A Miracle we have extensive knowledge and experience in working with women who have experienced fertility challenges due to endometriosis, PCOS, diminished ovarian reserve, blocked fallopian tubes, recurring miscarriage, and failed medical attempts such as IVF, and secondary fertility issues. Being fertile is the most natural process within our body and when it seems stuck, weak, or broken we will jump in and help.”

I hope you find this interview informative, and if you go see Jennifer tell her Kristine says hello!

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