Are you a book lover? Than you either know Meli or NEED to meet her. She is the owner and creator of @prettypagesco located in downtown Batavia. You can find her next to @farmdog_flowers and across from @bataviapubliclibrary. She got her start at the @bataviaboardwalkshops and is flurishing at her brick and mortar location that she shares with @mojohandbagsetc.

Here’s what Meli would like for you to know about her:
I’m a total book nerd with a passion for home decor. Im lucky enough to have an an amazing husband, 2 smart and sassy daughters and a 5 month old puppy. I’ve dreamed of owning my own business for so long and I’m honored and humbled to be living my dream!

What does she love most about the Fox Valley?
The Fox Valley is such an amazing community that supports small businesses.

What are her three favorite shops in the Fox Valley?
@hudsondesignhouse, @trendandrelic and @andersonsbookshop

What are her three favorite things to do in the Fox Valley?
Drinks with friends, family time at @funwayfun and reading!

What are her three favorite restaurants in the Fox Valley?
@sidecarsupperclub, @bientrucha and @113main

Have you been to Pretty Pages in Batavia? What do you love most about Meli and her shop?

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