Anyone else adore the smell of freshly published books? Well, that’s just one of the countless reasons I’m drawn to the Batavia Public Library. There are a multitude of resources, books, games, movies, instruments, magazines, toys and much more available to you for FREE every day at the library. I’ve spent countless hours at the library tucked into a corner table pouring over work or whatever new best seller just hit the shelf. And, there isn’t a shortage of smiling faces around every corner ready and able to help you. The Batavia Library has a staff of over 70 book lovers who would love nothing more than welcome you and help you in your book search.

Not to mention all the events the library has running at any given time. When you walk through the front doors and pass through the foyer there are two large bulletin boards right before you step foot inside the library covered with fliers of upcoming events and resources for you and your family.

The library also has a huge youth services area, covering the entire bottom floor of the library with all sorts of books and educational resources for children of all ages. With reading programs, story times and exhibits throughout the floor there’s always something to keep you kids entertained and happy.

Out the back of the library is a beautiful and peaceful sensory garden with benches ready for you and your favorite book. And around the front of the library are tables for you perfect for a quiet lunch or just to work or read outside.

One of my favorite things about the library is the Flyleaf Café. It’s a mother-daughter owned café serving sandwiches, soups and multitude of sweet treats and bakery items. I like to meet my friends and clients here for coffee, which gives me easy access after my meeting to swing into the library for one of the many books on my reading list.

If you are reading this there is a good chance you are on social media and have taken notice of Misty and Aimee, the hosts of their weekly Community Check-In series. They are serving up news and information about our community as well as interviewing some of the best-selling authors of our time! Make sure you are following them on their Instagram page.

What do you love most about the library?  

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